
Two stuck lens filters. One frustrated photographer.


For the past few months, I had a UV filter stuck to a circular polarizing filter and for the life of me couldn’t get it unscrewed. After much research, I found the shoe method, the freezer method, and the rubber band method. But nothing was working! Sure, you can order lens wrenches, but I needed them off NOW!!!! So, I was this close to just putting it in a vice and using channel locks when it hit me… ZIP-TIES!!!! Bingo! They came apart like butter. Under the white zip-tie is the UV filter, and under the black zip-tie is the circular polarizer. I pinched the two ends of the zip-tie together and I couldn’t believe how easily they came apart. Also worked on a lens with a stuck filter! Whew! Thought I’d share and hope you don’t go through the same frustrations I did!

  • April 13, 2013

    Thanks man.


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