
Motherhood Out Loud

I am thrilled to announce that Steve Hirsch Photographer (hey, that’s me!) will be the photographer of choice for 5 shows this year at the Avenue Theater in Denver, Colorado! And what a better way to start out with a heart warming and funny production about being a Mom. And if you’re not a Mom, it will certainly have you thinking about her and what you put her through growing up. Motherhood Out Loud is directed by Bob Wells and features the incredible talents of:

  • LuAnn Buckstein
  • Mehry Eslaminia
  • Megan Heffernan
  • Jeff Kosloski
  • Cindy Laudadio-Hill
  • Jane Shirley

Motherhood Out Loud runs through January 18th –February 23, 2013. For more information, visit their website at www.AvenueTheater.com or “Like” them on Facebook.

And of course, I like to add a few behind the scenes photos:

  • January 21, 2013
    Uncle Scott

    I may be the only Coloradoan who knows what you put your mother through!! Nice photos Steve.

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