It’s not mine! Ok… now that we got that out of they way, on to the blog! It’s been such a busy past couple of months that now I have a back log of photos I need to get posted. So be prepared on a plethora of blog postings! I’m going to start with Diana. I was invited to Blue Dot Studio and shoot a maternity session. Which was my first one. Not only was it a challenge, but it was a lot of fun. The big difference for me, compared to other shoots I’ve done, is remembering what the focus and subject matter is. After keeping that thought in the back of my mind, things started to click. (bad pun I know) So here are a few on my favorites.
Here are some of the out takes and shenanigans that happen during a photo shoot. Most of the time these out takes are from lighting and posing tests. We got Randall, Miguel (Diana’s husband) and a box fan that was a little underpowered. Enjoy!
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