
Lightning over Red Rocks

Red Rocks

I know what your thinking… “Oh great, more Red Rocks photos.” But wait, this time I have lightning! What a night it ended up being. The day started with a plan to go shoot the moon again rising over Denver. Well, it ended up being too cloudy. Then around 6:30 the storms came through bringing heavy rain and hail. Shortly after that, the sun started to peek out of the clouds on my end of town. I looked out the window and there it is again. The rainbow. I grabbed my gear and was determined to get it this time over Red Rocks. By the time I got there, it wasn’t that impressive. I was too late. Looking further West, I headed up to Lookout Mountain and maybe catch the sunset with these crazy clouds. Again, I’ve seen better. As I was heading back down, thinking the night was a total loss, I look to the South and there was quite a storm brewing. So I went back to Red Rocks and quickly set up the camera and BOOM! @#$%, @#$$@, @#$%…. So if there’s one thing I learned tonight, is pack an extra pair of underpants. @#&$, @#$@#, I’M OUT OF HERE!!!!!

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