
Flavors of Colorado

Flavors of Colorado

Can two photographers actually share the same booth and still get along? The answer is YES! And we had a great time!

Flavors of Colorado, located in the town of Avon (near Vail), featured Colorado’s very own artists, chefs, musicians, craft brewers, and distillers. Fellow friend and photographer, Brian Gritzmaker, and I were invited to participate in the 2 day festival and we jumped at the opportunity. Seeing that it was our first festival, we decided to share a booth. Also joining us a few booths down was a couple of other friends of ours. Artist Brett Matarazzo, and Photographer Todd Van Fleet. It was great to catch up and have some fun!


  • September 6, 2014
    Marci Reschar

    That is awesome Steve! Wish we still lived there so we could have gone. Hope it was great exposure for you all.


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