
Sunrise at the Cottonwood Church, Montana

NO!!!! STOP!!!!!!! !@#$….$#@!… I yelled, as I was just about a mile away from the abandoned church. WAIT!!!!!!!!… I shouted, as I pressed harder on the accelerator when the colors from the sunrise started to fill the sky. Note to self: When the weather app tells you that sunrise is at 7:35 am, that doesn’t mean getting there at 7:35 am. It means, you better get your but out of bed, skip the free coffee and continental breakfast, and get to the location by 7 or you are going to miss some great colors! And I almost did.

Quickly, I jumped out of the car, grabbed my gear and I ran. And I mean RAN through the muddy field. I was so worried I was going to miss the colors, that I started taking photos as I was running. Like this one… I call it “The Color Run”.

Once I got the tripod planted firmly on the ground, I took a deep breath, made my adjustments, and took the shot. I was only able to take six more shots before the colors were gone forever. The rest of my time spent at this abandoned 1928 church was taking photos at different angles, trying to work with the ever changing sky, and grumbling to myself why I chose to make waffles at the motel when I could have been capturing the Montana sky. Anyway, my mood turned around once I got back to room #214 and started going through the photos. It was then I realized, I got my shot.

  • March 26, 2013
    Dr Dan

    Nice catch Steve! It was worth the run in the mud. I love the purple, it’s almost not real

    • March 28, 2013

      Thank you Dan! It was definitely worth getting muddy for!

  • March 26, 2013
    Sandra Skwirut

    Thanks again, Steve…..beautiful pictures of the sky and church.
    You have “The Eye”….no question!!!

    • March 28, 2013

      Thank you Sandra!

  • March 26, 2013
    Uncle Scott

    I did not know that you could run faster than the speed of light !

    • March 28, 2013

      Thanks Scott! I didn’t know either until I got there! 🙂

  • March 26, 2013
    Rob Bernard

    ‘Available light’ is… so… fickle. And so amazing.

    • March 28, 2013

      Thank you Rob! And it was a pleasure meeting you and your family on my trip.

  • March 26, 2013
    Seth Barnhill

    Beautiful shots. My eyeballs say it was worth the sweat and the run through the muck.

    • March 28, 2013

      Thank you Seth. It sure wasn’t the way I wanted to start my morning!

  • May 1, 2013

    Thanks for capturing this, Steve! No one believes what happens in Big Sky country . . .

    • May 1, 2013

      Thank you Cherilyn! I didn’t know what people meant until I had to go see it for myself! I’m now a believer!

  • June 8, 2013

    Absolutely lovely! Congrats on your first place!!!
    I have done that run before too, down to Lake Michigan. Learned my lesson as well. I will soon be out your way this summer. We are taking a road trip to Denver, Montana and South Dakota. Hope to get some amazing shots 🙂


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