So for the past 3-days, I’ve been chasing the moon. Thinking I can get it rising over Denver. The first night I was WAY off. Catching it over part of the foothills. On the second night, it was the full moon. I drove North to Arvada but yet again, I was still off. Closer though. And tonight, knowing that if I shot it in the same spot, the moon should move into place. And it did. I wish I was in this place for the second night, since I could have used the light from the sunset. The moon moves quick so it’s not as sharp as I’d like. But now I think I finally understand the different places I need to be in order to get the moon over Denver. I was about 15 miles from Denver using a 400mm lens. These shots were brought to you by Deep Woods OFF. It’s that time of year again and didn’t realize it until I was about carried away by mutant mosquitos on the second night. So ITCHY!
*UPDATE* Woke up to a nice email from Chris Tomer. Who is Denver’s meteorologist on KWGN Daybreak. I’m starting to get the impression that they know my name over there. But I swear, I’ve only sent 3 photos in this year!
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