To all my subscribers, readers, and freinds on my blog, first of all, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I wanted to let you know that I’m running a Black Friday Giveaway on Facebook. So if you are on Facebook, please visit and “LIKE” the page here: Steve Hirsch Photographer. Then all you have to do is make a comment on the Black Friday Sweepstakes post. You could WIN a 16×20 framed print of “Fall Colors at Night”. That’s it! Please share! All the rules are listed on the Facebook post. For the official rules, click here. Good Luck!

Sandra Skwirut
I don’t do Facebook and am SO sorry to miss this chance to win this outstanding art!!!!!
Maybe one day I could buy the piece.
Sandy Skwirut
Steve Hirsch
Well, if there is someone you know that’s on Facebook, they can enter on your behalf! 🙂