I always wanted to photograph a Bald Eagle and today I got my chance. A friend of mine texted me this morning and said that I need to get up to Crown Hill Park. There’s a Bald Eagle in the tree. Now, I was about 20 minutes from the park and chances that this magnificent bird was still there was pretty slim. But, after lollygagging around, I decided to go and sure enough, he was still there. I got in a few good photos and then he took flight. I asked him if he could do a fly over so I could get an epic shot, but he had other plans. Maybe next time.

Susan Eberwein
AWESOME AND MAJESTIC….AND BALD….just like you ;)….
Thanks for capturing!!
Steve Hirsch
Thank you Susan!
Lana Crichton
Beautiful composition!
Steve Hirsch
Thank you Lana!
Scott Gnoit
A different side of your usual subject matter, I love it Steve!