
Abandoned Road Trip Adventure

Award winning photographer based in Denver, Colorado. Specializing in product, lifestyle, and landscape photography.

2084 photos taken, 1550 miles driven, 12 different locations, and only 6 Cliff Bars eaten. (White Chocolate Macadamia Nut is my favorite) So where did this road trip lead me too? The Dakotas.

The week before I left, the plan was to head up to Montana to photograph an abandoned schoolhouse and church. After more research, I come to find out that the schoolhouse was renovated last year and the church has its own Facebook page and can be booked for weddings. Uhhhh… that’s not really my idea of abandoned places. So I quickly had to figure out Plan B and mapped out 5 different locations in North and South Dakota. Which quickly grew to 12 by the time I got there. JACKPOT!!!!!

Acting on a recommendation from a friend, I stopped for the night in Hulett, Wyoming to see Devil’s Tower. The first declared United States National Monument established in 1906, by President Roosevelt. Or, some of you might know it as the mountain from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

From there, it was off to the Dakotas with a few unexpected stops along the route. Like the ranch I caught out of the corner of my eye. And the setting couldn’t have been more perfect. Clouds, snow, dead tree, oh and of coarse being that it was abandoned. PERFECT! What a way to start out the abandoned road trip adventure.
  • March 30, 2014
  • March 30, 2014
    Susan Eberwein

    For some reason, I’m hungry for mashed potatoes now…..
    Awesome shots, as usual. Thanks for bringing back the past.

  • March 30, 2014
    Michele Mata

    Wow! Those clouds couldn’t be more perfect. Loved Devil’s Tower. Hope to see more!

  • March 30, 2014
    Scott Gnoit

    Way cool Steve…..looks like plan B worked our well!

  • March 30, 2014
    Meridy Migchelbrink

    Wonderful, atmospheric shots–the snow and the clouds and the bare trees…couldn’t be more perfect! Love your photos, Steve!

  • March 30, 2014
    Rhonda V.

    Your pictures are amazing and making me home sick. I grew up an hour away from Devil’s Tower in the Black Hills. Thanks for sharing.

  • April 1, 2014
    Kim Murphy

    Nice work! Love them, can’t wait to see more.


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