After crossing over the North Dakota border, I broke free of the nagging sounds of my GPS and headed to what “I thought” was my first location. An abandoned schoolhouse that I had marked on the map just days before. However, I ended up traveling down a lonely dirt road, miles from where I was suppose too be. And I’m sure if my GPS had a personality, it would be saying “You’re going the wrong way dumb ass.” Well…
That wrong turn led me to a schoolhouse that I didn’t even knew existed. And I could barely contain my excitement. Based on an old mailing address I found inside (see photo), the schoolhouse is simply called North Dakota School No. 1. From what I can gather, based on the photos, it looks like it was abandoned around 1970.
- The School Outhouse
Susan Eberwein
Love #9….how fitting….”Oh beautiful for spacious skies….”. Awesome shots, Steve!!
Laurie Orr
Sometimes the wrong turns are the most amazing! I LOVE the photos of the abandoned school house. You take great photographs, Steve!
John Piepkorn
That school is called the Grand River School. We were just out there shooting a couple of weeks ago. We used the North Dakota Dept of Transportation maps to locate most of these schools, they actually show them on the maps, which is nice. Great photos of the “wide openess” out in SW North Dakota.
Steve Hirsch
Hi John. Thank you so much for adding the information about the schoolhouse. I never thought about using the transportation maps! It’s a great little schoolhouse and I’m glad I stumbled upon it. I’d love to see some of your shots of it!
John Piepkorn
look on my FB page called Abandoned North Dakota, there are some there.