Abandoned Photography

Abandoned Elk Chapel

Abandoned Elk Chapel

Elk Chapel was founded in 1875 by the United Brethern and later became the community meeting house. Which was abandoned some time during the 1980’s according to a local farmer my friend Eric and I met down the road. Now, it’s not the most beautiful abandoned church I’ve come across. But some of the artifacts found inside is what I was thrilled about. There’s not much history I can find on this abandoned chapel. It’s one of those happy accidents I’ve come across as I was making my way to another location. Since I normally do not like to touch anything I find in these places, especially opening refrigerators, I was feeling a little more confident since I had a friend with me and curiosity got the both of us. So… we had to take a look inside the fridge. Video after the break. Enjoy!

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  • August 26, 2016
    Susan Eberwein

    Only napkins?? Boring!! Beautiful shots, though!!


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