Over the weekend, there was going to be another full moon. I don’t know why I’ve been on a moon kick lately. Maybe it all started with the eclipse photos I took with my 105mm lens and my quest to get even better shots of the moon. So the next time I tried, I rented a 300mm and a 400mm lens. It was better, but the photos I took resembled everybody else’s photos I found on line. Just a big beach ball in the sky.
This time, it called for something more dramatic. A 600mm lens with a 2x extender for a grand total of 1200mm! This thing was a beast. I was surprised on how fast the moon moves through a lens that size. Constantly having to reposition it. And talk about sensitive. Even the slightest breeze will ruin the shot. But at last, I was able to get a few good shots.
I think next time, I’ll wait for a crescent, or half moon. I hear you can get better crater details then.

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