
2014 Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse

Under heavy eye protection and having cooperative weather, I was able to capture the solar eclipse here in Colorado. Being inspired by the solar eclipse I photographed back in 2012 (click here), I was determined to get another one. But this time, I needed to add a little more interest. And that’s when it hit me. The windmill down the road from me. This years solar eclipse was a lot more challenging than my first go around for some reason. But I still was able to get the shot I had envisioned. And that last photo… yeah… it’s not from a dirty lens. They are sun spots.

  • October 24, 2014

    Beautiful Work, Steve!! I love getting these images in my email. 🙂

    • October 26, 2014
      Steve Hirsch

      Thank you Linda! I’m glad to hear you are enjoying then!

  • October 24, 2014
    Susan Eberwein

    Wow, Steve, these are AMAZING!! Thanks for always being camera-ready for cool displays of beauty brought to us by Ma Nature.

    • October 26, 2014
      Steve Hirsch

      Thank you Susan!!!!

  • October 24, 2014

    This is just too cool. I love the 3rd one above, the clouds look very interesting. Keep up the great work!
    Steve, http://www.webetripping.com

    • October 26, 2014
      Steve Hirsch

      Thank you Steve!!! I learned from a meteorologist friend of mine that those are called K-H Wave clouds.

  • October 27, 2014
    Marci Reschar

    Love, love, love them! Beautiful work Steve!


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