The day started with the alarm going off at 3:30 in the morning. My gear is all packed and made it on the road by 4am. It was a 2 hour drive to my next location which was 140 miles East of Denver. The small, and I mean small town of Aroya. It’s another town that had suffered the effects of a highway system bypassing its services it had once offered. Not much to see and if you blinked, then you blinked too much and missed it. There’s a few buildings left. A service station, a general store, a couple of houses. All abandoned. But what I was really after, was the old 1909 schoolhouse that sits on top of the hill.
About 20 miles to go, the full moon quickly disappears behind what I thought were clouds, was actually fog. FOG!!!! NOOOO!!!! Where’s my sunrise? Where’s my clouds? Where’s the school??? After passing it once, I finally made it. See, I told you not to blink. So, I took a few photos, did a little exploring, but just wasn’t happy about the fog. I was ready to pack it up and call it just a scouting trip, but I decided to wait. And it’s a good thing I did. Between the fast moving winds and a little help from the sun, the fog was starting to break up. And now was my chance to start shooting. The last two images are shot using a long exposure method.
Bonnie Lamb
Fantastic pictures, Steve!
Thank you Bonnie!
Tony Navarro
A magnificent job, Steve!